Current Astrological Forecast

Drawing courtesy of Linda Macfarlane
Key Phrase: "I DESIRE"
Fixed Water Sign
Symbol: The Scorpion
October 23rd through November 22nd
November 6th Monday
Moon in Taurus goes v/c 2:19 am pst 5:19 am est
Moon enters Gemini 8:47 am pst 11:47 am est
Venus square Neptune 4:24 pm pst 7:24 pm est
Mood Watch: At 2:19a pst (5:19a est) Moon opposite Jupiter
brings dreams of overflowing wealth and expansion. The post-full Taurus
Moon also goes void-of-course at this point, and morning risers may
be prone to bouts of possessiveness, stubbornness, and forgetfulness.
When the Moon enters Gemini this morning, a mindful and detail-oriented
quality of interaction takes over. Sorting through details includes
sorting through all the emotional stuff that has come up recently with
the Full Moon. We may feel inspired to stay connected with others and
to communicate, despite the current disruption of Mercury retrograde.
Thoughts and feelings may be mulled over and reviewed together, but
this is not necessarily the time to act on them or to come to any conclusions.
Venus square Neptune (occurring November 1 9) Faith and
belief in spiritual matters may be tested. Meditation on spiritual matters
or activities may be difficult. Art with a spiritual approach may appear
more phony than ethereal. Feminine expression may be set back by antiquated
beliefs. Love matters may be rocky due to a conflict of beliefs. Venus
is in Scorpio, which intensifies the art of attraction, while Neptune
is in Aquarius, formulating a new spiritual outlook for humankind. Venus
influences beauty, attraction, and magnetism. Neptune is the higher
spiritual vibration of the feminine spirit, the higher octave of Venus
herself the imperfect yet alluring mortal versus the perfect
and irresistible goddess. When these two planets are in conflict, it
is a time when women are being sent mixed messages about how to live
up to a higher standard of the self. The influences of this aspect are
not as harsh for those who understand that true attraction and beauty
are found in the core of feminine wisdom, and that magnetic attraction
goes beyond temporal beauty. This aspect last occurred on June 15, when
Venus was in Taurus.
November 7th Tuesday
Election Day, USA
Moon in Gemini
Mercury conjunct Venus 8:52 am pst 11:52 am est
Venus square Saturn begins (see November 12)
Mood Watch: At 2:55a pst (5:55a est) Moon square Uranus
brings harsh disruptions to our dreams and early waking moods. Todays
Gemini Moon keeps us fussing over the details of life. Mercury is the
ruler of Gemini; it is currently retrograde (since October 28) and this
may cause many folks to be in a perpetual state of correcting, reiterating,
and modifying. Gemini Moon brings determined efforts to think through
matters and find logical answers to unsolved puzzles. This afternoon,
at 1:23p pst (4:23p est) Moon trine Neptune brings heavenly delights,
unworldly beauties, and spiritually uplifting moods and perspectives
- if you let it.
Mercury conjunct Venus (occurring November 4 8) Todays
conjunction of Mercury and Venus takes place in the sign of Scorpio,
bringing passionate expressions of love. Words of love or adoration
uttered at this time may come across as being fairly intense, as this
is indeed the nature of Scorpio. Mercury conjunct Venus is generally
considered an excellent aspect to discuss and communicate love matters
and, while they are conjunct in Scorpio, love secrets and confidences
are more readily communicated. Be sure to let those you truly love know
it. The most simple and direct way to express love might be the best
though, as Mercury is retrograde and you will want to ensure that the
message of love is clearly delivered. This aspect last occurred on January
17 when Mercury and Venus were conjunct in Capricorn.
November 8th Wednesday
Mercury square Neptune 12:25 am pst 3:25 am est
Moon in Gemini goes v/c 3:17 am pst 6:17 am est
Mars trine Uranus 8:24 am pst 11:24 am est
Moon enters Cancer 11:47 am pst 2:47 pm est
Sun conjunct Mercury 1:32 pm pst 4:32 pm est
Mercury conjunct Mars begins (see November 11)
Mercury trine Uranus begins (see November 13)
Mars square Neptune begins (see November 17)
Mood Watch: At 1:57a pst (4:57a est) Moon sextile Saturn
brings the opportunity to work through our various states of consciousness
with purposeful intent. At 3:17a pst (6:17a est) Moon opposite Pluto
brings intensity to our dreams accompanied by some strong emotional
purging. At this point, the Moon also goes void-of-course in Gemini;
our waking moods will be scattered, and people may seem overly preoccupied
with their own thoughts. By afternoon, when the Moon enters Cancer,
we will have a more genuine understanding of what is taking place with
our emotions. What we have spent time thinking about during the Gemini
Moon cycle, we now solidify emotionally in Mother Moons natural
place. Waning Cancer Moon is a time of purging and moving through emotional
concerns which have piled up in our lives. This is a good time to reassure
ourselves and to nurture ourselves with loving motherly care.
Mercury square Neptune (occurring November 2 10) While
Mercury is retrograde (since October 28,) talk and discussions in matters
relating to escapism, spiritual beliefs, and the arts are likely to
be especially difficult. How can one talk about the ineffable? Mercury
square Neptune is now occurring for the third time this year. For a
recap of the story on Mercury square Neptune, see October 15.
Mars trine Uranus (occurring October 30 November 12) Mars
in Scorpio trine Uranus in Pisces is bound to bring intense activities
with regard to sensitive emotional matters, and there will be radical
tendencies seen in the arts and in religious practices. It is through
this aspect that dramatic breakthroughs may occur. Be careful what you
stand for or youll fall for anything in this atmosphere of active
yet favorable destruction. This aspect is an excellent influence for
the warrior spirit, for men to work on their masculine energies and
strengths, and to undergo male bonding rituals. This is a good time
to tackle the breakdown of unwanted barriers that stifle the human spirit.
Mars trine Uranus is bound to create fire somewhere and the heat often
can be worked to our advantage. In the triumph mode, Mars trine Uranus
creates fireworks of celebration and there is a certain sense of truly
feeling alive. This aspect last occurred on May 7, when Mars was in
Sun conjunct Mercury (occurring November 5 9) This is
a very common aspect, which will create a much more thoughtful, communicative,
and expressive year ahead for those Scorpio born people celebrating
birthdays November 5 9. This is your time (Birthday Scorpios)
to record ideas, relay important messages, and pay close attention to
your imaginative thoughts as they are touched by Mercury, creating the
urge to speak and be heard. Your thoughts will reveal a great deal about
who you are, now and in the year to come.
November 9th Thursday
Moon in Cancer
Sun square Neptune 7:00 am pst 10:00 am est
Venus conjunct Jupiter begins (see November 15)
Mood Watch: Rich intuitive feelings run their course as
the Cancer Moon wanes through the darkening days of Scorpio. At 7:00a
pst (10:00a est) Moon trine Uranus brings excitement, and the day starts
off with a bang. At 8:23a pst (11:23a est) Moon trine Mars activates
our moods to generate energy, to take initiative, and to make things
happen. At 2:36p pst (5:36p est) Moon trine Mercury is a good time to
set the facts straight, as our moods are better prepared to relay information
and correct misinformation recently generated during Mercury retrograde.
While the Sun is in Scorpio, waning Cancer Moon is the best time to
recuperate, to get out of the wet and cold for awhile, and to enjoy
domestic leisure and arts. This is the time to make the home a more
revitalizing haven in which to cure some ills. Cancer Moon reminds us
to nurture ourselves. At 7:24p pst (10:24p est) Moon trine Sun radiates
harmony, and this is the fourth lunar trine of the day, bringing an
overall sense of satisfaction.
Sun square Neptune (occurring November 3 12) This occurrence
of Sun square Neptune especially affects Scorpio people who are celebrating
birthdays November 3 12. Neptune in the square position to these
birthday folks natal Sun brings a sense that there are obstacles
getting in the way of Spirit or the acknowledgement of spiritual beliefs.
The challenge for these Scorpio birthday folks is to overcome the interfering
doubts and confrontations. This especially applies to overcoming those
extremely dangerous and destructive addictive tendencies. Remember,
Scorpio, spiritual lessons do not have to be life threatening! Over
the next year, there will undoubtedly be some spiritual adjustments,
and perhaps a change of belief is required. This aspect last occurred
on May 10, affecting the Taurus birthday people.
November 10th Friday
Veterans Day (Federally Observed Today, Traditionally Observed
Nov. 11th) USA
Moon in Cancer goes v/c 1:00 pm pst 4:00 pm est
Moon enters Leo 6:35 pm pst 9:35 pm est
Sun square Saturn begins (see November 16)
Mood Watch: All through yesterday, the Moon sang sweetly
as it sailed its way through four favorable trine aspects to the masculine
planets, Uranus, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun. At 2:19a pst (5:19a est)
Moon trine Venus marks the fifth favorable lunar trine in a row, bringing
with it, pleasant, beautiful, and feminine dreams and morning reflections.
The sixth lunar trine, Moon trine Jupiter, occurs at 1:00p pst (4:00p
est) when our moods will be the most generous, the most outgoing, and
prosperous feelings abound. This is also the point at which the Cancer
Moon goes void-of-course. Just as clouds release rain, our moods can
release pent-up emotional responses. At 6:35p pst (9:35p est) the waning
Moon enters Leo and we will feel the need for warmth, affection, and
November 11th Saturday
Veterans Day (Traditional) USA / Remembrance Day, Canada
Moon in Leo
Mercury conjunct Mars 7:17 am pst 10:17 am est
Mood Watch: The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Leo,
a time when our defenses are strong, and for some, this means that the
ego is on the prowl, and ready to flex some muscle if required. This
is no time to offend others by carelessly putting their ego on the line.
Remember Mercury is retrograde. Think before you speak! Leo Moon
emphasizes friends, children, and family and where these companions
are not present, focus is often placed on personal development and creativity.
Tonight at 6:24p pst (9:24p est) Moon square Mercury brings the potential
for people to appear particularly stupid about not listening or saying
the right thing. At 8:08p pst (11:08p est,) those who werent listening
in the first place are likely to experience the rage brought on by Moon
square Mars, which exacerbates peoples need to vent anger or to
work on oppressed emotions. Tonight, beware of accident prone behavior
and hot temperaments.
Mercury conjunct Mars (occurring November 8 13) Mercury is retrograde
(since Oct. 28) and this aspect, repeating for a second time this year,
will reoccur once again December 9. While Mercury is retrograde, communications
are likely to be misunderstood, and the information that is going around
may not only be inaccurate, but is also likely to cause disruption.
With these two planets conjunct in Scorpio, our thoughts and speech
become united with our actions in very strong and empowering ways. Heated
and disturbing discussions occur. Arm yourself against hurtful or threatening
statements, and beware of hypersensitive reactions - it may be best
to try to defuse or avoid unnecessary conflict and volatile subjects.
Mercury conjunct Mars brings out the fightin words
expect to see a larger than average number of hard blows to the
November 12th Sunday
Moon square Sun 9:46 am pst 12:46 pm est
Venus square Saturn 4:21 pm pst 7:21 pm est
Mood Watch: At 3:38a pst (6:38a est) During Moon opposite
Neptune it may seem difficult to feel or create spiritual harmony or
peace in our dreams. This evening, at 6:29p pst (9:29p est) Moon conjunct
Saturn brings serious moods and focus on responsibilities, goals and
objectives. Moon square Venus, at 6:43p pst (9:43p est) brings complications
between loved ones, and dissatisfaction with things we normally value.
Love related matters are indeed complicated right now, especially while
Venus square Saturn is occurring (see below.) At 7:52p pst (10:52p est)
Moon trine Pluto brings an excellent time to work on therapeutic practices
that aid in dealing with emotional traumas.
Last Quarter Moon in Leo (Moon square Sun) At 9:46a pst (12:46p
est) the Moon in Leo reaches the last quarter mark and many folks will
be oriented towards personal pursuits. People may also be more inclined
to deal with, or let go of, personal grudges and points of contention
with others. Leo Moon reminds us to call upon the core of our strength
and energy, to stand up for ourselves and to express our true individual
characters and needs. When the Moon wanes in Leo, it also urges us to
take special care of ourselves and the children in our lives. Personal
pet projects are sometimes considered children as well.
Leo Moon encourages us to look for inner light and inspiration, and
to seek the child within.
Venus square Saturn (occurring November 7 15) Obstacles
and restrictions bring a difficult time for love. This aspect creates
blocks in the flow of care and love due to external responsibilities
and restrictions that cause separation. Venus is in Scorpio, creating
intense and deeply heart-felt expressions of love and, while Venus is
squaring to Saturn, there may be a tendency for relationship squabbles
to break out over career and work related restrictions. It may be difficult
to engage in romance, as there may seem to be something always getting
in the way. People are distracted from properly providing care and concern
where it is most needed due to the high demands of the world at large.
While this aspect is occurring, it is wisest to work a little harder
at relationships. Dont get bent out of shape over peoples
need to create restrictions and limitations which, for the time being,
allow these folks to protect and guard their inner harmony while the
trouble behind these love related matters is being worked out. This
aspect last occurred on June 4, when Venus was in Taurus.
November 13th Monday
Moon in Leo goes v/c 12:30 am pst 3:30 am est
Moon enters Virgo 5:20 am pst 8:20 am est
Mercury trine Uranus 9:27 am pst 12:27 pm est
Sun conjunct Jupiter begins (see November 21)
Mood Watch: At 12:30a pst (3:30a est) Very early morning
risers may feel a bit disoriented with the Moon void-of-course in Leo,
but by 5:20a pst (8:20a est) the Moon enters Virgo and, throughout the
remainder of the morning, our moods will be inclined towards thoroughness
and caution. Waning Virgo Moon keeps us on the straight and narrow path,
and reminds us to clean up our surroundings, create a practical working
environment, and to carefully review the misfit details of this Mercury
retrograde time. Five planets Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, and
Jupiter are now in Scorpio, bringing a lot of dramatic changes
in our lives during these darkening days of autumn. When we need it
most, our waning Virgo Moon moods bring practicality, prudence, scrutiny,
and resourcefulness.
Mercury trine Uranus (occurring November 8 25) Mercury
in Scorpio dredges up important topics such as birth, sex, death, and
the regenerative force realized through overcoming illness. Uranus is
in Pisces, creating radical change in areas of addiction, the arts,
psychology, and religion. With Mercury currently retrograde, this aspect
is repeating for a second time since it entered Scorpio, and with it
comes the confusion of inaccuracies, and the radical sting of propaganda.
For a recap of information on this repeat aspect, Mercury trine Uranus,
see October 10, when this aspect last occurred while Mercury was direct
in Scorpio.
November 14th Tuesday
Moon in Virgo
Mood Watch: At 2:08a pst (5:08a est) Moon sextile Mercury
brings the opportunity for us to work out some nervous energy through
our sleep just two more days until Mercury goes direct and, within
a week, we will be relieved of this stressful time of misinformation.
At 3:12a pst (6:12a est) Moon opposite Uranus brings unusually active
dreams and waking moods. The waning Virgo Moon is an excellent time
to take the oppressive chaotic energy around us and tackle it with grounded
and determined efforts to create a practical and functional sanctuary
a place where clarity and precision are unscathed by distracting
complications. From this place we can do just about anything in the
days of Scorpio. Virgo says: I analyze, and our moods are
affected by the need to question or to ponder our situation in life.
Virgo Moon brings a strong attraction to purity and simplicity. At 11:52a
pst (2:52p est) Moon sextile Mars inspires us to become active, and
this is likely to be the most stimulating time of the day.
November 15th Wednesday
Venus conjunct Jupiter 12:36 pm pst 3:36 pm est
Moon in Virgo goes v/c 2:42 pm pst 5:42 pm est
Moon enters Libra 6:15 pm pst 9:15 pm est
Mood Watch: At 3:56a pst (6:56a est) Moon sextile Sun
recharges our emotional batteries, while the waning Virgo Moon urges
us to mind our health, and not to overtax our bodies with strong substances.
At 8:48a pst (11:48a est) Moon square Pluto brings the potential for
futile resistance against the inevitable. Beyond the midday dramas,
at 2:31p pst (5:31p est) Moon sextile Jupiter says to relax and breathe
and to advance and prosper through synchronicity. At 2:42p pst
(5:42p est) Moon sextile Venus brings pleasant but rather lazy
afternoon and early evening moods. The Moon also goes void-of-course
at this point and, for a few hours, we are subject to a number of confusing
temptations or doubts. This evening, at 6:15p pst (9:15p est) the waning
Moon enters Libra, placing the emphasis of our moods on the need for
Venus conjunct Jupiter (occurring November 9 18) Venus
and Jupiter are conjunct in the late degrees of Scorpio, at the Scorpio/Sagittarius
cusp. Here, the powers of attraction (Venus) blend with the powers of
prosperity and dominion (Jupiter.) The influence of Jupiter reminds
us that the resources of love in the universe are inexhaustible, and
loves great bounty is designed to be shared. Love can be infectious.
Scorpio/Sagittarius-related things such as sexual love, heroism, clairvoyance,
fortune hunting, and travel are all highlighted as attractive exploits.
Venus conjunct Jupiter represents the jackpot of love an ever
expanding and growing love that will prevail and triumph.
November 16th Thursday
Moon in Libra
Sun square Saturn 9:59 pm pst 12:59 am est (NOV. 17)
Mood Watch: Theres smooth sailing ahead and there
are no significant lunar aspects occurring today. Todays waning
Moon in Libra brings an emphasis on partnership, and on harmonizing
friendships and relationships. There is also a strong emphasis placed
on such Libra-like things as law, justice, and the necessity to understand
their presence or absence. This is a good time to focus on refinement:
to correct the mistakes of the past, to empower the experience of the
moment, and to work towards improving the future. Libra is the cardinal
air sign that endows our thoughts and knowledge with the spirit of wisdom
in the days of Scorpio this brings a sense of renewal, or re-birth.
Sun square Saturn (occurring November 10 19) This occurrence
of Sun square Saturn especially affects those Scorpio people who are
celebrating birthdays from November 10 November 19. These folks
are undergoing personal challenges of impatience, loss of control, and
poor timing. The challenge is to overcome obstacles that intrude on
ones control of discipline and accuracy. Often, false starts occur
during the phase of life when Saturn squares the natal Sun. This may
be a time of sacrifice, loss or compromise, and may also be a time of
complexity and insecurity for these birthday folks. Saturn represents
those things in life that we are willing to work for and maintain. Just
because there is a challenge on the path does not mean that it is time
to give up. Saturn represents our sense of discipline and our application
of effort and focus, and helps us learn about our limitations and where
our strengths can be realized. This is a good time for Scorpio birthday
folks to conserve energies and take losses and difficulties in stride.
Through the tests of this time a stronger human being emerges to take
on future tests with greater confidence and ability. Running away from
responsibilities or hardships now will only make life more difficult
later. This aspect last occurred on April 24, when the Sun was in Taurus.
November 17th Friday
Moon in Libra
Venus enters Sagittarius 12:03 am pst 3:03 am est
Mars square Neptune 11:01 am pst 2:01 pm est
Mercury goes direct 4:26 pm pst 7:26 pm est
Moon in Libra goes v/c 9:42 pm pst 12:42 am est (NOV. 18)
Mood Watch: At 5:01a pst (8:01a est) Moon trine Neptune
brings tranquil and spiritually pleasing dreams and waking moods. The
waning Libra Moon impresses upon us the necessity to work together as
a team, to clarify the confusion during this shifting time of Mercury,
and to empower our relationships with commitment and effort. This evening,
at 8:22p pst (11:22p est) Moon sextile Saturn is an excellent time to
review goals, and to studiously practice timely disciplines. At 9:42p
pst (12:42a Nov. 18 est) Moon sextile Pluto reminds us of how transient
or impermanent life can be. The Moon also goes void-of course, a good
time to rest the mind and the body.
Venus enters Sagittarius (Venus in Sagittarius: November 17
December 10/11) Now the planet of love and the expression of affection
is enhanced by the inspired character of Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius
brings out a love of the arts, travel, philosophy, cultural exploration
and sports achievements. With this comes an outgoing spirit of camaraderie
among people in general, and the effort to take affections beyond the
usual bounds is certainly present. Philosophical theories justify love
matters. Venus in Sagittarius will help to boost the love life and affections
of our Sagittarius friends. This is your time, Sagittarius people, to
reaffirm your visions of how to enhance the beauty and the love that
you are enjoying in your lives.
Mars square Neptune (occurring November 8
21) Mars is in Scorpio squaring to Neptune in Aquarius, creating the
tendency for abrupt attacks to occur unexpectedly in quiet sanctuaries.
Hate crimes and active aggression against spiritual groups and religious
institutions are more likely. This aspect also brings the potential
for accidents and temper tantrums, especially at spiritual gatherings.
Angry outbursts are likely to affect sacred land or personal territory
of high spiritual sentiment. While Mars is square to Neptune it is best
to anticipate confrontations concerning moral issues or spiritual beliefs.
As this aspect passes, it will be easier to put spiritual beliefs and
practices back on course without much conflict or interference. This
aspect last took place on January 18, when Mars was in Taurus.
Mercury goes direct (Mercury Direct: November 17, 2006
February 13/14, 2007) Since October 28, Mercury has been retrograde
in the sign of Scorpio, commonly causing emotional mix-ups and confusion
in communications. Now we can breathe a greatly needed sigh of relief
as Mercury, the planet governing the realms of communication, becomes
stationary and will soon begin to move forward. Take note that our faculties
and manner of communicating will definitely improve within the next
few days, although perhaps not today. As it moves forward we can begin
to clear up the various misunderstandings that have occurred over the
past few weeks. For more information see July 4, and also the introduction
on Mercury retrograde periods.
November 18th Saturday
Moon enters Scorpio 6:48 am pst 9:48 am est
Mood Watch: Todays events may be laced with strong
doses of emotion. A waning Scorpio Moon calls to us to let go of destructive
tendencies, challenges us to cease hurting ourselves and others, and
invites us to transform our lower impulses into higher aspirations.
Under supportive circumstances, this is a good time to let go of the
pain youve been concealing. Tomorrow night marks the eve of the
New Moon in Scorpio and this is always a good time to apply caution
and to beware of the possibility of violent outbreaks and possessive
or melodramatic behavior. This is also a time to be careful not to get
overworked or overstressed. Whether through purging, healing, or grieving,
Sun and Moon in Scorpio is likely to bring stormy and torrential weather
both to our emotions and throughout the northern hemisphere. Excitement
Saturn-trine-Pluto-Non-Exact (occurring September 1, 2006
January 5, 2007) Today is as close as it gets to the exact aspect of
Saturn trine Pluto, within just 44 minutes of a perfect trine. Saturn
will go retrograde on December 5, with the result that it wont
reach the exact trine position until August 6, 2007. Even though Saturn
does not reach an exact trine with Pluto this year, it remains well
within its orb of influence as it hovers near the zero degree mark for
an extended period of time. Is it affecting us? Yup, you bet, and this
is an important aspect both because of the strength of the planets involved
and because it is the positive trine aspect.
Through the trine aspect, we are being given the long awaited gifts
and rewards of our hard work and persistence during the difficult trials
and transformations that the Saturn opposite Pluto tests demanded. Through
the events of Saturn opposite Pluto, the security guidelines weve
created for ourselves and to which weve adhered as a result of
recent events, have created a new foundation to sustain us.
Now that Saturn and Pluto are spending this year and next year in the
trine position to each other, it is up to us to determine how we will
benefit and grow stronger as a result of the recent transformation process.
Through the trine aspect we will redefine our responsibilities and shift
our goals and priorities to suit the rapidly changing ways of the 21st
Century. The gifts and rewards that we will acquire at this time become
survival tools during the next phase of humanitys transformation.
For now we can be grateful that time is agreeably on our side while
restrictive Saturn is in the favorable trine position to the harsh and
unrelenting forces of Pluto.
November 19th Sunday
Moon in Scorpio New Moon Eve
Uranus goes direct 10:10 pm pst 1:10 am est (NOV. 20)
Mars square Saturn begins (see November 28)
Mood Watch: At 1:02a pst (4:02a est) Moon conjunct Mercury
brings clear messages through stimulating dreams, and we begin to feel
more in tune with Mercurys direct movement. At 4:08a pst (7:08a
est) Moon trine Uranus brings brilliant and vibrantly energetic dreams
and waking moods. Moon in Scorpio continues to wane down through its
darkest phase, bringing more of the same kind of drama we experienced
yesterday. This is a time of death, re-birth, and transformation. At
4:33p pst (7:33p est) Moon square Neptune will be a particularly difficult
time to find peace and tranquility, or to escape from intense moods
or dramatic situations. Be vigilant and brave while the Moon is so dark
in Scorpio. At 7:40p pst (10:40p est) Moon conjunct Mars in Scorpio
encourages aggression and masculine energy stirs deep emotions. Be especially
aware of the potential for outbursts. New Moon Eve in Scorpio often
brings challenging circumstances which require astute and perceptive
Uranus goes direct (Uranus direct: November 19, 2006 June
25, 2007) Since June 19 Uranus, known for stirring up calamity, has
been retrograde. Explosive and radical tendencies around the globe will
now shift from personal feelings of anarchy to productive (or destructive)
acts. Uranus entered Pisces on March 10, 2003. Now it moves steadily
through the end of the first decant of Pisces, awakening the spiritual
needs of humanity, perhaps even inspiring breakthroughs in human rights,
or promoting creativity in art and music. The work of radical and revolutionary
forces resumes course as Uranus moves direct until June 25, 2007. We
all feel the need to break out of oppressing conditions of life. As
Uranus moves forward, the volatile quality of its work demands the utmost
intelligence and knowledge as each level of urgency is unveiled. Uranus
is the ruler of Aquarius and teaches us to seek higher levels of intelligence
through unusual, brilliant, and open minded measures. The next time
the urge for unabashed rebellion makes you kick up your heels, remember
to kindle the light of love for humankinds wisdom. This is, after
all, the Age of Aquarius. Uranus in Pisces demands that our beliefs
be worthy of intelligent beings.
November 20th Monday
Moon conjunct Sun 2:19 pm pst 5:19 pm est
Moon in Scorpio goes v/c 3:55 pm pst 6:55 pm est
Moon enters Sagittarius 5:16 pm pst 8:16 pm est
Venus square Uranus begins (see November 25)
Mood Watch: This morning at 7:24a pst (10:24a est) Moon
square Saturn makes it difficult to handle matters of control or restriction,
and there may be at tendency for us to take life too seriously. By 3:55p
pst (6:55p est) Moon conjunct Jupiter brings hopeful, joyous and adventurous
moods. At this point the dark Scorpio Moon also goes void-of-course
for over an hour, encouraging theft, foul play, and dramatic chance
taking. At 5:16p pst (8:16p est) the Moon enters Sagittarius, helping
us to keep our sights open and our hopes high. There is light after
New Moon in Scorpio (Moon conjunct Sun) At 2:19p pst (5:19p est)
the Moon conjunct Sun in Scorpio marks the regenerative point of the
New Moon and the sign of Scorpio just happens to represent the
phenomenon of regenerative force and transformation. The New Moon in
Scorpio represents a rebirthing process for our emotional body, and
this is the time when we are sure to address the proverbial skeletons
in our emotional closet. New Moon in Scorpio encourages us to regenerate
our hopes while transforming our fears into a courageous and renewed
outlook for ourselves. This is the time to take bold steps towards defeating
undesirable emotional patterns and fear mechanisms. New Scorpio Moon
casts new light on our ability to overcome pain and suffering.
November 21st Tuesday
Moon in Sagittarius
Sun conjunct Jupiter 3:16 pm pst 6:16 pm est
Mood Watch: At 3:08a pst (6:08a est) Moon conjunct Venus
brings beautiful dreams and loving feelings. Sagittarius Moon keeps
our sights open to all the visionary possibilities unfolding at this
stage of autumn. The majority of the planets are currently in the autumn
signs Scorpio and Sagittarius, focusing our energies on the necessity
to work under challenging conditions, and to overcome darkness with
creativity and vision. The darkening days of autumn require resolute
strength and warmth of spirit. The Sagittarius Moon newly waxes, bringing
hope, an expanding outlook, and encouragement to move forward. At 1:46p
pst (4:46p est) Moon square Uranus brings disruptive chaos to our moods.
Overall, Sagittarius Moon shows us the way to move past disruption.
Sun conjunct Jupiter (occurring November 13 25) This occurrence
of Sun conjunct Jupiter particularly affects Scorpio and Sagittarius
people who are celebrating birthdays November 13 25. These fortunate
folks are brought into a favorable position of their natal Sun to Jupiter.
This represents a time of gifts and expansion for these people, and
there will be good times ahead. Financial or career advancement as well
as skill building, exploration, inheritance, and perhaps just plain
happiness, become bonuses for these folks during this time and in the
year to come. Be sure to count your blessings, birthday people. You
may find that there are a great many more blessings for you this year
than you might have expected.