

Remedial steps

Cutting Edge


Nutrients and Herbal Agents

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains unique forms of dietary sugars, including the glucomannins. Aloes has anti-inflammatory benefits, anti-oxidant benefits, and long chain polysaccarides. Read more about the benefits of Aloe Vera ...


Astragalus (Huang Qi in Chinese Medicine) is found to have anti-inflammatory properties, and to reduce expression of some of the specific cytokines that are elevated in polymyositis. Read more about the benefits of Astragalus ...

Glutathione boosters

Immunocal undenatured whey products, MaxGL, protandim and NAC are all helpful in boosting the bodies glutathione levels, and reducing cellular oxidative stress. You can read a lot more about this on the oxidative stress page.

Vitamin d3


Plant sterols and sterolins may act as natural steroids, and could reduce symptoms of polymyositis. Read more about Plant Sterols and sterolins...


CoQ10 has anti-oxidant properties, and is often downregulated during polymyositis. CoQ10 is part of the essential enzyme complex that provides for proper function of muscle cells. Read more about CoQ10...

Creatine Monohydrate

There are potential benefits from creatine monohydrate supplementation in patients with ... inflammatory myopathy. (Tarnopolsky 2008)[1]

The same researcher published a further paper in 2010 entitled Creatine as a Therapeutic Strategy for Myopathies. (Tarnopolsky 2010)[2]

A double blind placebo controlled study was done in 2007 of the effects of Creatine supplementation on inflamatory myopathies. Although they found "no evidence dreatine supplements had any effect on the underlying disease process", they did find that "combining creatine supplements with exercise will provide a safe, effective, and inexpensive adjunct to conventional medical treatment for patients with chronic stable IIM". (Chung, Alexanderson Pepitone 2007)[3]

  1. Tarnopolsky M. Clinical use of Creatine in Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Disorders. Subcellular biochemistry 2008 Vol 46 pp. 183-204. Found at www.springerlink.com/content/h4w20p2h1m767162/
  2. Tarnopolsky M 2010 Creatine as a Therapy for Myopathies. Amino AcidsVol 40, No. 5 (2011) pp 1397-1401. Found at www.springerlink.com/content/dn1389707nu57552/abstract/.
  3. Chung Y, Alexanderson H, Pipitone N. et al. Creatine Supplements in Patients with Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies Who Are Clinically Weak after Conventional Pharmacologic Treatment: Six-Month, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Arthritis and Rheumatism Vol 57, No. 4 May 15 2007 pp 694-702. Found at http://www.myositis.org/storage/documents/DM_Published_Research/Alexanderson2007.pdf