

Remedial steps

Cutting Edge



About US

The Polymyositis Investigation is a compilation of studies, thoughts, and research into the causes, processes, and remedial influences associated with inflammatory myopathies, particularly polymyositis.

This compilation is done by volunteer, independent researchers.

Participation invited
We invite the participation of knowledgeable persons dong research in this area. Please contact us at the address below. We always give credit to known sources.

Almost all our research is done on the internet. We always post the page where things are found, and give credit to known sources. However, if copyright to any research posted on this site belongs to you and you object to its presence here, please contact us at the address below and it will be removed promptly.

Polymyositis Research
Box 47031
Victoria, BC, V9B 5T2

email mrclark@shaw.ca